Paint Often Speaks Louder Than Words

We were so happy to hear from one of our past clients who expressed so beautifully through art, how she felt during her cancer diagnosis and treatment. She allowed us to share her art and words.

danielle rogers

My name is Danielle Rogers and I am an artist and have been painting for about 40 years. I've been in numerous solo and group shows. I currently have 2 paintings at the Art Hall at the Northern Westchester Hospital in Mount Kisco. I'm a member of the Katonah Museum of Art and of the Reflectionist group at Arts on the Lake.

Since I'm more of an introvert I do not have the words to express my feelings but I am lucky that I am able to do so through my art. This painting was a long time in the making. It reflects on how I felt when I went through breast cancer...horrified!! 

I went through chemo, lost my hair, intense radiation and reconstruction. And all this one year after my husband died. I was very happy to have found the support from an organization like Ann's Place to help me through this period in my life. The painting was, for the longest time, without flowers...I just felt "boxed-in" but I am now cancer free for 16 years... and then I added the flowers, representing hope as a way out of the box towards this beautiful world.


By Kevin Berrill, LCSW 

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Ready or not, the holidays---Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Years---are just about the corner.  Even the healthiest people can feel overwhelmed or overstimulated by the frantic pace, unrealistically high expectations, and the sensory overload of holiday music and muzak, advertisements, food and drink, decorations and displays, and social obligations.  And for many, the presence of Covid makes the holidays even harder to navigate. 

Bane or Blessing?  The experience of cancer during the holidays affects each person differently.  Some glide through the season with ease and a feeling of joy; for others, it is a hard slog to be endured.  One of the most common reactions is ambivalence. 

On the one hand the holidays can be a welcome departure from routine.  They afford an opportunity to look more deeply into life, take less for granted, reset priorities, renew spiritual faith, or connect more deeply with loved ones and strangers alike.  However spiking Covid rates are making the season stressful and uncertain, especially for those with cancer (and other serious illnesses) and their caregivers.   

Looking Back and Ahead. The holidays mark the end of one year and the beginning of another.  They are a time when we look at the past and toward the future.   Those who are newly diagnosed, especially those with cancers that are difficult to treat or have a poor prognosis, may look to the coming year with trepidation.  Fear about the future can weigh heavily and lead some to overexert in order to make the season perfect.  The prospect of a new year also raises questions for those who have finished treatment or who have an excellent prognosis: “Will it come back next year?” “If it does, how will I manage it?”  “Will this pandemic ever end?” 

Old Traditions, New Circumstances. Some in the midst of cancer treatment---and their caregivers---may wonder if they have the stamina to get through the holidays and another round of chemo, radiation, or some other therapy. For those once avidly shopped and entertained guests, the risk of Covid contagion may sharply limit forays out in the world, social engagements, and dampen holiday spirit.  

Visiting (via Zoom or in person) with loved ones for the first time since undergoing treatment can be comforting and heartwarming.  For some it can also be awkward and anxiety provoking, especially having to deal with others’ reactions to their diagnosis or changed appearance (e.g., loss of hair, weight loss or gain).  These reactions may include discomfort, avoidance, pity, fear, unwelcome medical advice, or lectures on what to think or feel in order to get well.   

Finances.  Cancer treatment is expensive, unmanageably so for those who have no medical insurance or who are underinsured, or who find themselves unable to work. Those under financial stress, especially whose tradition it is to exchange gifts, face difficult choices about what, if anything, they can afford.  For parents of young children these choices are all the more difficult.   

Despite medical advances much about cancer that cannot be controlled.  To find a sense of balance in the midst cancer and the holidays requires forethought and planning.  If you or someone you love is facing cancer consider the following suggestions:   

Allow your feelings:  Life threatening illnesses such as some cancers, changes world as we know it.  It is natural feel sad, angry, despairing, confused, numb, guilty, or lonely. Ignoring and suppressing your feelings and pretending to be cheerful are likely to make the holidays more difficult.  Sometimes when we accept rather than resist our feelings, moments of happiness break through the clouds.  If so, give yourself permission to enjoy those moments. 

Respect your needs.  If it feels unsafe or unwise to follow through on your usual holiday plans are right this year, it is okay to break with tradition.  Allow yourself to change where, when, how, and with whom you spend the holiday.  Give yourself permission to decline invitations to gather with others.  Avoid people and situations that leave you feeling depleted, irritated, or depressed.  

Let others know if you don’t if you don’t have the energy or the financial means to buy presents.  If you choose to participate in holiday gift giving, keep it simple. For example, shop online, buy gift cards, or buy the same item for each of your intended recipients.  Limit your spending to what you can afford and will not regret having to pay for. 

Make a plan.  It matters less what you plan to do than that you have a plan. Spontaneity is great, but having a plan, even if you decide to change it, is likely to give you a greater sense of control, making it less likely that you will end up feeling isolated or blindsided by others’ expectations and decisions.  Be sure to let others close your plan, which can be as phone calls or Zoom gatherings. Be gentle. Pace yourself.  Perhaps your plan will be the start of a new, simpler, and saner holiday tradition---or maybe it will be just enough to help you muddle through until January 2.  

Take care of your body.   Try to get enough rest, nourishment, and exercise.  Be mindful of your alcohol consumption.  Alcohol is a depressant and can worsen your mood.  Limit sugary treats as they too can leave you feeling depleted and depressed. Stick as much as possible to your routines and eat sensibly, including plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. 

Be supportive.  If there is someone in your life who has cancer offer the gift of your listening and care.  When it comes to holiday plans, let them lead.  Refrain from fixing, advice giving, or pushing a holiday agenda; rather, explore with them what would offer the greatest healing and comfort. If you offer a holiday invitation and they decline, let them know they can change their mind at the last minute.  A thoughtful phone call, Zoom visit, card, or email can also make a meaningful difference.  If you want to offer help, be specific: “Can I pick up anything for you while I’m at the grocery store?” or “Would you like me to take the kids out to play so you can get a nap?” is much more helpful than “Let me know if there is anything I can do.” 

Pause and breathe.  At a time when so many around you are caught in an endless round of buying presents, give yourself the gift of presence, taking a sacred pause several times a day to refresh yourself and just be. 

Reach out.  If you need practical support, reach out to understanding loved ones. They may be eager to help but not know how.  Let them know what you need---a cooked meal, help with shopping or hosting, , prayers, or kind and supportive listening.  Delegate responsibilities whenever possible. 

In a world that extols health and vigor and promotes the illusion that life is controllable, the experience of cancer sometimes brings up feelings of isolation and stigma.  The antidote to loneliness is connection.  To the extent you can, open yourself to others’ attention and affection. If you have the energy, offer your care to someone else---a loved one or a stranger.  Compassionate speech and action helps us all to transcend difficult circumstances and enter more fully into our shared human condition.  For those with a particular religious faith or spiritual practice, cancer is an invitation to explore and deepen.     

Solitude can quiet the mind and body, help us to recharge, and tune in to what matters most.  Allow yourself time alone when need it.  

It helps to be around people who “get” what it feels like to be affected by cancer.   Ann’s Place in Danbury, CT, offers individual counseling, support groups, and a myriad of wellness activities to those affected by cancer and who share their lives.  Our services, which are offered free of charge, are there for you this holiday season (by Zoom) and all year long.  Reach out to us if you think we might be able to help.  Doing so may help the holiday season---and the year ahead---look and feel brighter. 

Kevin Berrill is a clinical social worker at Ann’s Place which serves living with cancer and those in their lives.   

Virtual horticultural therapy: Ann's Place scavenger hunt

By Erik Keller

As tomorrow is the Fall equinox, I thought that a scavenger hunt at Ann’s Place would be a great way to celebrate the changing season. I have put together a video with the rules and the objects that people should search for in the different gardens and around the exterior of Ann’s Place. My ‘Where’s Wilda?’ challenge is an obvious rip-off of ‘Where’s Waldo?’. Wilda and Waldo do have a few things in common: they both wear glasses, are well-traveled and their names differ by only a single letter. Wilda is much more clever and cultured than Waldo and has a much more diverse wardrobe, however, and is a good sport to boot. She is a dear friend and the person who brought me to Ann’s Place over a decade ago to design the gardens and run the horticultural-therapy program.

In putting together the hunt I was a bit challenged with my selection of plants. If you look for some of these plants a few weeks from now, they may have changed dramatically. Some will have gone to seed, some will flower out, others will darken and fade. Wilda will be the same. Regardless, most will still be easy to identify for the two-week period that the hunt is on.

I hope you can find everything in my video. Below is a list of the 19 items mentioned for your convenience.

American holly (Ilex opaca)
American wisteria (Wisteria frutescens)
Black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa)
Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)
Dogwood (Cornus florida)
Golden rod (Solidago altissima)
Hops (Humulus lupulus)
Japanese beautyberry (Callicarpa japonica)
Joe Pye weed (Eutrochium purpureum)
Lenten rose (Helleborus orientalis)
Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca)
Montauk daisy (Nipponanthemum nipponicum)
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)
New England aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae)
Pitcher plant (Sarracenia)
Sassafras (Sassafras albidum)
Sea oats (Uniola paniculata)
Wilda (Pulchra domina)
Winterthur viburnum (Viburnum nudum)

Enjoy the search!

Nature ride

Sometimes the best thing we can do is to just sit and watch. Nowadays, however, this sedentary exercise may not be of interest as our mutual cloistering is chock full of lonely pursuits. But to sit and enjoy what nature is serving up to us at the end of July should not be considered sedentary but active as it should bring all of our senses to the fore. For me, the best to do that is to go for a bicycle ride.


I feel fortunate to live where I do in Connecticut near the New York border. If I hop on my bike, which I do often, I can find myself in bucolic North Salem, N.Y., within 10 minutes. Beyond the famous residents such as David Letterman and expansive mansions and horse farms, lies a pristine land that is bisected by unpaved roads. It doesn’t seem possible that Gotham with its millions of residents and gleaming towers is less than 50 miles to the south.

The crunch of gravel underneath the tires is the dominant noise as I traverse my riding circuit. There is much beauty in my daily rides but it is when I stop to rest on the side of the road that I have the chance to appreciate the innate beauty of the area. The unimproved road splits large rolling fields that could be found in an Andrew Wyeth painting. A slight breeze bends the tops of the grasses, which have just started to set seed. The sides of the road are lined with black cherry (Prunus serotina), maple (Acer) and ash (Fraxinus) trees. Pin oaks (Quercus palustris) have been planted in anticipation of the demise of the ashes. Unlike the other trees, whose shadows create dense shade, the ashes’ shadows are skeletons portending their future. The flowers of chicory (Cichorium intybus) appear as light blue ribbons lining the road with occasional yellow spikes of mullein (Verbascum thapsus) flowers shooting high above the grassy soil. Buttercups (Ranunculus acris) are sprinkled around in patches of yellow amongst the dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) and red clover (Trifolium pratense.) The umbrella-shaped white flowers of Queen Anne’s lace (Daucus carota) stands tall waiting for pollinators.

The stone walls that line the road are hosting strands of Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) and poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) that are fighting for dominance and looking to cover the rocks they are embracing. Swallows are flying erratically and chirping following the insects they are attempting to catch. Though most  insects cannot be seen, their chorus is the loudest noise that I now hear.  Grasshoppers jump in a frenetic hop scotch pattern over the fields. Bees and wasps fly near, preferring a nearby flower rather than me to land on. 

Though I would like to linger, the heat of the day is coming as the high clouds start to part. I stand, taking in the perfume of the fields. As I leave my rest spot, the insects are drowned out by the popping sounds of gravel and any excess heat I was feeling is being blown away as I increase my speed.

Virtual Horticultural Therapy: Building a pollinator path at Ann's Place

By Erik Keller, Horticulture Therapist

Milkweed is in full bloom attracting a wide range of bees, butterflies, flies and other pollinators.

Milkweed is in full bloom attracting a wide range of bees, butterflies, flies and other pollinators.

I have been spending a lot of time at Ann’s Place over the last week as the weeds are starting their summer march toward domination. If I (and my trusty team of volunteers) don’t make a solid stand now, it is likely that we will lose the war of keeping these invaders in check. Ironically, one of our nicest gardens  is one that became colonized with a common native plant: milkweed (Asclepias syriaca). Though thought of by many as a nuisance, milkweed is essential to monarch butterflies as it is the only plant that its larvae will eat. No milkweed, no monarchs. It is something that any gardener who wants to support the monarch life cycle should consider to plant.

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The milkweed is in full bloom with its sweetly fragrant flowers attracting a wide range of bees, butterflies, flies and other pollinators. When I arrive in the early morning at Ann’s Place, there are hundreds of bees around the flowers, each of which supports at least two pollinators. Seeing a bloom temporarily without bugs, I stick my face into its flowering top to inhale its wonderful scent as I channel my inner honeybee. I’m sure some pollen resides on my mustache and nose.

This is a far cry from this space nearly a decade ago when it refused to accept anything I planted. But I should not have been surprised. This triangular garden gets snow, ice and salt dumped on it in the Winter by plows that clear the parking lot. It bakes to bone dry in the Summer as it is framed by blacktop on one side and concrete grass pavers on another. Every perennial I dropped in each Spring, decided to drop out (by dying) over the Winter.  I have had little success with lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) as more often than not it, too, succumbs to the cold. (Last year I planted over a dozen of the Phenomenal cultivars with no Winter losses. I am cautiously hopeful.)  

A few years ago, staff members asked me to plant some sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) in the space as a memorial for one of our clients. I started 75 plants in my greenhouse and transplanted them to the garden. They took off and dominated the space with their plate-sized flowers. The same year I noticed a few milkweeds popping up. I needed to stop volunteers and staff members from pulling them.  Next year, more milkweed plants appeared and with that came the monarchs.

Another tenacious plant that migrated to this area was anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum.) A few years ago they started to appear (no doubt from seeds in the raised-bed herb gardens on the side of Ann’s Place)  and are losing their battle this year with the milkweed for dominance . Its heady licorice scent makes this member of the mint family instantly recognizable to the nose. Finally, the bee balm (Monarda) that was planted last year is sending up its flowers to ready-and-waiting bees and butterflies. This Fall I will transplant some coneflowers (Echinacea) to complement all these others pollinators.

Our desert has morphed into a wonderful garden that is now full of flowers, butterflies, bees and other pollinators. And none of it was really my idea. Better lucky than good.

Virtual Horticultural Therapy: Summer stroll sans supper

By Erik Keller


For the last decade, Ann’s Place has celebrated the summer solstice with a tour of the gardens, seasonal readings and a locally sourced supper or afternoon tea. Unfortunately, this has not been possible this year. This was a double disappointment for me as I had planned to open my gardens to the Ann’s Place clients for a stroll and refreshments. Instead I have put together a video tour of my gardens so clients can get a glimpse of what I have been up to in these cloistered times.

This year has been similar to others as Spring continues to shrink in duration. Until the last week of May, we had fires in the wood stove and frost advisories. Then in a blink of an eye, it became hot and everything exploded in the garden. I did lose some tender plants in May because I put them outside too early but was able to replace them so I can keep us in tomatoes, peppers and other warm weather veg throughout the Summer.

These challenges, hardly new, are well-documented by Connecticut author Martha Adams Rubin in her book, Countryside, Garden & Table: A New England Seasonal Diary. “The gardener’s investments are plants and diversifying them allows the garden to grow more securely. One year may produce poor broccoli, peas and lettuce but great melons. A cool, rainy summer is likely to intimidate the tomatoes, but their cousins the potatoes will be wonderful. . . .These caprices of nature can't be wholly compensated for, but diversification as well as forethought and daily observation of the garden, may divert calamity.”

It is daily observation more than anything that makes any of us good gardeners and appreciative of what Mother Nature serves up to us. This morning on the way to the supermarket I saw a baby rabbit cross the road and on the way back a father fox seeking breakfast for his kits. Butterflies and hummingbirds are spending much time at my house sipping nectar from the many flowers in bloom. A bald eagle hovers on the thermals on the hill side quieting nesting birds. This is all part of Summer’s glory. To see any of it, just stop, take a seat and look out. You won’t be disappointed.

Walking a Labyrinth

By Jennifer Salkin, MA


There are times in life when I am full of optimism, enthusiasm and energy. A new and exciting goal has energized me. For example, I decide I want to learn how to speak Spanish.  I see the path to achieve the goal and I start on the path. I sign up for an online Spanish class and download a language app. But, eventually that initial enthusiasm starts to fade. As I engage in the daily work to manifest the goal, there is a point where I start to get bored or cannot find the time to work on the goal. Often, obstacles start to pop up. I didn’t find the time to study the new vocabulary or practice speaking.  Now my goal is bogged down and seems unattainable. I’m too far behind to catch up. What helps me to persevere, to continue?

One day I walked a labyrinth and felt the parallel to my experience described above. Unlike a maze, there is only one path in a labyrinth. The only decision to make is to continue to the center or to turn around and exit. The way labyrinths are designed, when first entering, the path takes you very close to the center- just one circuit away. But then the path takes you further away from the center. When starting a new project, it feels like the goal is easily within reach. But walking along, your path takes you further away from the center, the goal, to the outermost ring before entering the center.

This reminds me of how sometimes the goal feels further away than ever as I work towards achieving it. And then the goal is reached. And that is not the end of the journey. There is the journey back out. To me this parallels integrating the experiences of achieving the goal, the lessons learned, the growth experienced, brought out to other areas of life. Hough wrote, “life’s a journey, not a destination”. Walking a labyrinth can be an embodied experience of that truth.

Virtual Horticultural Therapy: Time to walk the grounds again

By Erik Keller


I know I walked you all through the gardens at Ann’s Place a little while back, but so much has changed! Some bulbs have come and gone and new flowers are perking up everyday. The hops are climbing and the wisteria is in bloom. And those of you who know me understand that walking the grounds is something we do a lot in our horticultural therapy classes.

After all the gardens are designed for you and your pleasure by attempting to tickle all of your senses. Because I put this together as a video, I will cut you all some slack and stay away from using Latin, which I have been on my last few posts. Everyone needs a break. But you never know when I will send out a pop quiz. Kidding!

The gardens are looking great but they are lonely as they miss interacting closely with their clients as do all of us here at Ann’s Place. But you don’t have to stay away from the gardens and the plants that inhabit them. Perhaps this video will coax you into visiting Ann’s Place yet again.

Be well and safe and hope to see you all in the near future.

Horticulture Therapy: Dandelion muffins with lilac jam

By Erik Keller


The unofficial start of Summer, Memorial Day, signals that Winter is behind us and the garden is exploding with growth. But for every lovely flower and plant that emerges, 10 times that number or more of weeds pop up. Plantains (Musa × paradisiaca), chickweed (Stellaria media) and crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) are early visitors to gardens. But the one weed that is a favorite—particularly of children—is the dandelion (Taraxacum officinale).

Each day brings a new batch of these fluffy yellow flowers favored by bees and other pollinators to the garden. A few days later the yellow flower is swapped out by a translucent orb of white seeds that are ready to be blown either by the wind or a child leaving a thin, barren stalk.

Rather than curse this weed, you have the opportunity to love it in the form of delicious muffins. And at the same time you will be removing flowers that can deliver up to 200 seeds each. Now if you spray your lawn with herbicides, you will not be able to harvest any of these flowers. But there are ample opportunities to find these plants on the road side, in fields and in nearby yards.


First, you need the flowers: at least 100. Pick 150 to be on the safe side. This is how many flowers you will need to get a cup of pedals. Now you don’t just throw the flower heads into a bowel but take the flower apart separating the green sepals, which are at the base of the flower, from the tiny yellow petals. You don’t want any of the sepals in your mix as they are very bitter. There are a few videos on YouTube as well as Pinterest that give good harvesting hints. (I just pinch the petals off the plant leaving the sepals in place but do whatever works best for you.)

Next, collect your ingredients:

2 cups all-purpose flour (I often substitute ½ cup whole-wheat for all-purpose as it makes for a more substantial muffin)
2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
1 cup dandelion petals
1/3 cup dried fruit finely chopped (optional, I like raisins, blueberries or apricots)
1/3 cup almonds chopped (optional)
1 ½ cup milk
4 tbsp honey
¼ cup vegetable oil (almond, corn, canola)
1 egg
24 muffin papers with metal or silicone pans (that don’t need papers)

First combine all the dry elements in one bowl. Next combine all the wet elements in a different bowl. Mix the wets and drys together by hand gently until you have a wet mix. Do not over mix. Heat oven to 375 degrees standard, 360 degrees convect. Divide dough into the muffin pans. Put into oven for 15-18 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.

Though you may be tempted to eat them fresh out of the oven, wait until they cool (overnight is best) or the muffins will stick to the papers (not the case if you use a silicone pan.) The muffins have a light floral flavor accompanied by a slight taste of honey. Within each muffin are the petals of the dandelion, giving the breads their yellow tint.

If you like these muffins you may also want to try your hand at making lilac jam. Right now lilacs are in full bloom. The bush in my yard has exploded with flowers this year in a spectacular fashion. (Gardening tip: If you want to have your lilac bush flower every year, make sure you deadhead old flower heads. If you don’t, next year’s flowers will be greatly reduced in number.) The smell from inserting your face in the middle of a group of blossoms is unforgettable making lilac a favored scent. My wife and I haven’t made any jam yet this year, as we still have a jar from last year. But within this week we will make more jam before the blooms fade too much.

Lilac jam has a lovely amber color (it is not purple as are many lilac blooms) and a very delicate taste. The latest batch my wife and I made last year is sweet with a slight texture. It has a mild citrus taste with a hint of nuts. There are plenty of recipes on the Internet. This one is typical.

Flavors mingle in my mouth as the lilac jam on my freshly baked dandelions muffins captures an essence of the season. Spring is here and Summer is just around the corner.

Horticulture Therapy: It’s all About My Plants

The Horticulture class I had planned for this week did not pan out because of the unseasonable cold over the last month. The plants in my yard and garden that were supposed to be ready are not. So what to do? Well I figured that I would put together a slide show/video about my garden that I am calling, “Horticultural Therapy: It’s all about my plants.” These pictures give a glimpse of what is going on in my yard right now in mid-May.

Every year is different and this one is no exception. The rhubarb and sorrel have exploded from the soil with vigor as have the garlic that was planted in the Fall. Anything that was put directly into the ground or transplanted from my flats that were started over a month ago, not so much. But that is the fate of gardening: there are no failures, only lessons.

For those of you looking to go to Ann’s Place at some point in the next few weeks, I will have the raised beds holding herbs mostly planted up. Late this week, weather permitting, I will finish up the gardens with tender annuals (though I may hold off on the basil for a week) and renew the center bed with nearly a dozen scented geraniums including chocolate, lemon, rose and nutmeg. This, combined with the adjacent mint walk, offers a real scratch and sniff experience.

By the end of the week it looks like the cold weather will finally be behind us and warmer weather will greet us. Time to enjoy.