Rebuilding with Purpose - Update

In the spirit of keeping our donors informed of our building progress after the flood, here are a few updates:

Liz Hayes and Sue Chabot help pick out flooring options for our rebuild.

Liz Hayes and Sue Chabot help pick out rugs and flooring options for our rebuild.

  • We would like to thank ServePro for coming out Easter Sunday through that week to clean up the mess. Their team was there to make sure the flood had minimal damage. We have also had them come back and spray for extra mold remediation and run dehumidifiers through the summer.

  • Our insurance was finally able to approve most of our building needs and we have hired TJ & Sons to complete the majority of building repairs. We hope that the core repairs will be completed in November.

  • We have identified several important upgrades needed for the rooms that have to be done now, or have significant benefits to doing while the walls and ceilings are open. For example, we installed a radon mitigation system while the wall was open, and the floor removed.

  • We are especially blessed to have Sue Chabot, Interior Designer (and lead designer on the building 12 years ago) back with us to pick out colors, flooring and layout. She was joined by Liz Hayes to pick out rugs and floors. Thank you Sue and Liz!

  • Projects not covered by the insurance will cost approximately $227,000 and will be divided into two phases, with the second phase happening in 2023. Costs will fluctuate both ways in the next few months due to supply issues and much appreciated donated labor, when available. For a full list of these projects click here.

  • Some time in November-December, we will need to have a large team of volunteers come and move saved furniture back into place, clean toys and kitchen items and unbox and build our replacement furniture.

We will be officially kicking off our Capital Campaign to raise the needed funds in our October mailing. Thanks to some generous donors who gave early, we already have over $60,000 towards our goal!

If you would like to help in any part of our rebuilding campaign, or have questions and suggestions, please reach out to me at or 203-790-6568 x103.