On Radiation

By Kim Downey

Drive to the hospital. Give a sigh. Take a right into the lot 

Go to valet parking. Give them your keys. Take a ticket

Walk into the cancer center. Give them your destination. Radiation Oncology. Take your temperature

Turn to the reception desk. Give them your license/destination. Radiation Oncology. Take a sticker 

Proceed to the elevator. Give a masked smile. Take 2 lefts then a right to Radiation Oncology

Pass JC and Sue. Give a greeting. Take 2 rights and enter the changing room

Grab a hospital gown from the shelf. Give a sigh. Take your clothes off on top

Find an empty locker. Give your purse and clothes temporary shelter. Take the key

Sit and wait. Give a nod to another cancer patient. Take a few deep breaths

Proceed to the treatment room. Give up your hospital gown. Take a small towel to cover yourself

About the painting: I recently attended an art class at Ann’s Place; “Creating Intention with Essential Oils and Paint.” We each drew 3 cards from a deck, sight unseen, pairing intentions with essential oils. We wrote our intentions on the canvas, then incorporated the matching essential oils into paint. My intentions include: “I Speak My Truth,” “I Honor My Truth,” “My Heart is Joyful.” My painting illustrates the sometimes overwhelming “messiness” of the past two years of my life; undergoing surgeries and treatments for three separate cancers. There have been some dark days; represented by black and grey, some angry red times, and some bumps in the road (tissue paper).

Yet there is also the return of springtime; with shades of pink and purple, landscape green and blue.

The joy of orange, the sunshine hope of yellow, and unpainted white edges of the canvas, as a nod to the parts of me that remain unchanged. It all belongs."   

Lie down on the treatment table. Give your name and date of birth. Take the towel off the right side

Put your arms overhead. Turn your face. Give a sigh. Take a deep breath and “Hold it..Hold it..Hold it..” 

Stand up. Give a thank you and “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Take the hospital gown again

Fetch your clothes. Give up the gown and key. Take your purse

Return to valet parking. Give them the ticket. Take your car back home

Drive to the hospital. Five days a week. For a month

Give a look at your skin turning dark brown and patchy. Take some smelly ointment and rub it all over

Your last day! Give thanks. Take the completion certificate. Hope you never have to come back

A month later. Another MRI. Give your name and date of birth. Take a deep breath and hold it…

Cancer again. Surgery again. Radiation again

Lie down on the treatment table. Give your name and date of birth. Take the towel off the left side…


Put your arms overhead. Turn your face.  Give thanks